Looking for She Can Adventure Swag to wear on your next Outdoor Adventure, Hiking or Retreat? This is the place to be!
If you request a refund within 24 HOURS of your booking/ purchase you may request a full refund. You may request to cancel your class/event ticket for a full refund, before within 90 Days of Scheduled Class/Event. Cancellations between 60 days and 90 days of the class/event will result in She Can Adventure keeping 25% of your ticket's purchase price, with the remaining to be refunded. Cancellations between 30 and 60 days prior to the class/event will result in She Can Adventure keeping 50% of your ticket's purchase price, with the remaining to be refunded. Cancellations between 15 Days to 30 Days will result in She Can Adventure keeping 75% of your ticket's purchase price, with the remaining to be refunded. No refund will be given for cancellations within 15 days of class/event. When you register for a class/event you agree to these terms. All sales on She Can Adventure Shop or in person Swag purchases are FINAL. If your product was damaged in shipping you may request a replacement by emailing info@shecanadventure.com with a picture off the damaged product and description of damage. Once we receive that email we will then request a new item be shipped out to you FREE of cost.